Client News Coverage

5 Things Healthcare Organizations Need to Know about Triggering a Duress Alert

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, January 28, 2019.

A doctor or a nurse can find themselves under duress in an instant. A patient unexpectedly attacks a doctor in a room. A nurse, who is leaving her shift at 3 a.m., is jumped by a masked assailant in the hospital parking lot. A patient’s angry family member confronts a doctor about the care protocol or frustration over a lack of response to the treatment. Each of these examples can create threatening situations that generate concern and could pose a risk to the safety of hospital personnel.


Electronic Health Reporter»

Optimizing Frontline Response To The Opioid Epidemic: The Role Of Nurses Moves Front And Center

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, January 11, 2019.

A 21-year-old male patient goes into respiratory and cardiac arrest at a bar. A 32-year-old female who has a history of chronic pain from a motor vehicle accident two years ago, collapses on the street. An 18-year-old female who went to a football game and is found unresponsive and apneic in the bathroom. A 36-year-old male who has chronic back pain from a construction accident three years ago, is found unresponsive by his children in the bedroom.


Health IT Outcomes»


Voice Technology: A Disruptive Force in Healthcare

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, November 20, 2018.

Voice technology is a disruptive force across many industries, and healthcare is no exception. In sync with tools like Amazon Alexa and Echo, voice-user interfaces (VUI) have the potential to take care management to the next level, and the advantages extend far beyond simple conveniences for patients.


The world of healthcare lives in siloes: patients, family members, doctors, care managers, and health aides, just to name a few. All are inputting valuable health information from disparate systems, devices, and other sources—resulting in a fragmented view of the patient’s health.



Quality Data Key To New Payment Rule

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, October 12, 2018.

In early August, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its new payment rule with provisions aimed at advancing patient-centered care. The good news is that the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System (LTCHPPS) includes changes to existing requirements and new specifications that should advance this goal


For The Record »

SNOMED CT and the EHR: Why Should a HIM Professional Care?

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, September 20, 2018.

Health information management (HIM) professionals serve as the data stewards of the patient medical record. They are responsible for capturing all necessary information about a patient and managing that information over time. As such, it is vital that these professionals understand how clinical data is captured and stored in the age of electronic health records (EHRs).




Prioritizing Nursing Sepsis Awareness and Compliance

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, September 20, 2018.

September is Sepsis Awareness Month—an opportune time to reflect on the state of industry as it relates to reducing the impact of this potentially deadly condition. In terms of reach, the numbers are sobering: 1.5 million people in the U.S. contract sepsis each year, and a quarter of a million die annually from the condition.


Hospital EMR & EHR»


CORHIO Uses Wolters Kluwer Health IT to Improve Interoperability

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, August 21, 2018.

August 21, 2018 - The Colorado Regional Health Information Organization (CORHIO) recently deployed two Wolters Kluwer health IT solutions as part of an effort to promote interoperability, improve health data standardization, and offer network participants more advanced health data analytics and reporting.


EHR Intelligence »


Study Links Bedside Access to Evidence-Based Nursing CDS and Increased Hospital Value-Based Care Performance Scores

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, August 16, 2018.

Hospitals that arm nurses with bedside access to evidence-based nursing procedures and real-time step-by-step guides for clinical decision making at the point of care saw their Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program scores increase.


Hospital and Healthcare Management»


Order Set Optimization: The Next Chapter for Point-of-Care Content Strategies

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, August 16, 2018.

The past decade has ushered in a new day for point-of-care clinical decision making, thanks to Meaningful Use and other regulatory initiatives aimed at improving patient outcomes and costs. By and large, most of today’s hospitals and health systems have invested significant resources into computerized physician order entry (CPOE) and evidence-based order sets to align with industry quality movements and incentive programs.


Hospital and Healthcare Management»


The Solution to Infection Prevention: Clinical Process Improvement

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, August 16, 2018.

In every hospital and health system across the country, the fight against infection is a priority for improving patient safety. Clinicians know very well the negative impact of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) on outcomes.


Hospital and Healthcare Management»


Why resolving patient identification issues is a top priority

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, August 14, 2018.

Accurate patient identification is a fundamental prerequisite for quality care, which is why resolving the long-standing patient matching challenge has moved front and center as a top priority. Not only is misidentification expensive, but it exposes healthcare organizations to significant risks from privacy breaches, fines and litigation.


Health Data Management»


The Terror of Medical Errors

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, July 24, 2018.

Never events — serious, preventable medical errors that leave patients with debilitating injuries, life-threatening infections and worse — are considered mostly rare occurrences. But they still happen. Just over 20 percent of Americans surveyed last September by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement reported personal experience with a medical error and 31 percent said they were closely involved in the care of a patient who experienced an error. In addition, more than eight in 10 people believe patient safety is mainly the responsibility of healthcare providers, hospital leaders and administrators. When asked what caused the medical error they experienced, people identified, on average, at least seven different factors1(see sidebar “Avoiding common medical errors in the OR” at


Healthcare Purchasing News »


Readers Write: The Opioid Crisis: Fix the Process, Fix the Problem

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, July 03, 2018.

As the nation continues to grapple with the overprescribing and misuse of opioids, reaching a solution often feels far out of reach. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, more than 11 million individuals have been documented as having misused prescription opioids, resulting in an alarming 116 opioid-related deaths daily.


HIStalk »


Inter Valley Health Plan Hires VirtualHealth to Manage Medicare Patients

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, June 26, 2018.

Inter Valley Health Plan Inc., a Pomona-based health insurer for seniors with Medicare, has hired Virtual Frameworks Inc. to provide its software platform for patient management.


Los Angeles Business Journal »

Community Care of North Carolina Deploys Pop Health Platform to Transform Community Care

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, June 19, 2018.

By taking a more patient-centered approach, CCNC crafted a more proactive care management strategy.


Healthcare IT News »