Cognosante to Assist Washington Medicaid Program with MITA Self-assessmet

Posted in Press Releases on Tuesday, August 23, 2016.

Cognosante announced today its selection by the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA), Washington’s Medicaid agency, to provide guidance and expertise as the State completes its Medicaid Information Technology Architecture 3.0 State Self-Assessment (MITA SS-A).

With an overarching goal of better serving consumers, the MITA initiative is designed to improve Medicaid program administration by fostering integrated business and technology transformation across the enterprise. Cognosante has been a MITA leader for more than a decade, leveraging its proven tools, templates, models, and approaches in combination with expert consulting services in the completion of approximately 40 MITA SS-A projects.

Cognosante will work with the HCA to document and model Washington’s current Medicaid business enterprise; align business areas with MITA business areas and processes; define business maturity levels to shape the State’s future vision; assist with a gap analysis that will support transition planning; develop a MITA Roadmap; and support the advance planning documentation process to accommodate future project funding requests.

“Cognosante excels at helping states plan for, develop, and implement flexible, modern Medicaid IT solutions that better support the needs of the populations they serve,” said Jim Joyce, General Manager, Cognosante Consulting. “We look forward to applying our deep domain expertise to help Washington align its Medicaid enterprise to MITA architectures and continue meeting CMS requirements for enhanced funding.”

About Cognosante
Cognosante provides technology solutions, Business Process Outsourcing, and consulting services to federal, state, and local government healthcare agencies. The company has nearly 3 decades of experience working with 48 states and the Federal government, developing, managing, and executing large, complex health information programs. Its expertise includes Medicaid, Medicare, health insurance marketplaces, health data standards and reconciliations, modular system development and integration, health data analytics, and fraud, waste, and abuse. Visit for more information.

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