ICA Selects Health Language to Strengthen Analytics and Reporting across Patient Populations

Posted in Press Releases on Thursday, February 14, 2013.

Medical Terminology Management to Support New Addition to ICA’s Health Information Exchange Platform

DENVER, CO (February 14, 2013) — Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information for healthcare professionals and students, announced today that ICA has selected Health Language® to support its health information exchange (HIE) platform. Health Language medical terminology management software and services will enable ICA, a leading provider of interoperability technology that enables care management and HIE, to create longitudinal patient records and enhance reporting and analytics across entire populations.

ICA’s interoperability platform connects providers across the continuum of care through a series of modules that support clinical communications and information exchange. The company is preparing to launch an informatics module, CareAlign Insight, which houses a central data repository. Health Language helps support this initiative by providing a dual-engine that, in collaboration with Clinithink, transforms both free text and disparate data into standardized terminologies.

“We are pleased to partner with Health Language as we prepare to launch CareAlign Insight because the engines will work together to allow providers to leverage data mined in the repository for better patient outcomes,” said Jeff Cunningham, chief technology officer at ICA. “In today’s transforming healthcare environment, this enables us to capture information being shared and use it in real time in order to make a difference in the overall delivery of care by monitoring individual patients and assessing trends across communities.”

ICA selected Health Language for its turnkey terminology management solution, professional services and customized mappings. By integrating Health Language software with its platform, ICA will enable its provider customers to:

  • De-duplicate data from disparate sources by automatically mapping it to standardized terminologies;
  • Leverage comprehensive, longitudinal patient records for enhancing patient care;
  • Receive immediate alerts of unusual activity around both individual patients and patient populations; and
  • Achieve population health management goals through robust analytics and reporting across communities.

“As population health becomes a primary goal for more hospitals and health systems, it is essential that they get the most value out of their patient data,” said Brian McDonald, Executive Vice President, Health Language, Wolters Kluwer Health, Clinical Solutions. “By automatically normalizing all the information, ICA will be able to help providers become less dependent on their patients for information as they set the foundation for long-term analysis of patient populations.”

The dual-engine, developed in 2012, is a culmination of the Health Language advanced Language Engine which normalizes disparate data through automated mapping and Clinithink’s CLiX engine which translates narrative text into standardized codes.

About Health Language

Health Language® provides leading healthcare terminology management solutions and professional services that normalize all data within a healthcare organization into standardized code sets such as ICD-10, SNOMED CT® and LOINC®. By establishing a data infrastructure in which disparate information is fully integrated, the advanced Language Engine (LE) and supporting tools enable healthcare providers and payers worldwide to simplify the management and analysis of critical patient, financial and operational information. This, backed by a team of HIM experts that support the integration process, helps hospitals, health systems and other healthcare organizations to overcome industry challenges such as Meaningful Use, ICD-10 and health information exchange.

Health Language is part of Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information, business intelligence and point-of-care solutions for the healthcare industry. Wolters Kluwer Health is part of Wolters Kluwer, a market-leading global information services company with 2011 annual revenues of €3.4 billion ($4.7 billion).

About ICA

Originating from clinical informatics solutions developed within Vanderbilt Medical Center, ICA’s state-of-the-art CareAlign® interoperability and informatics platform addresses and solves data and communication challenges for many healthcare entities, including hospitals, IPAs, IDNs, HIEs, payers and others. CareAlign delivers a flexible architecture to connect, collect, consume and intelligently distribute data through Direct, IHE, HL7, and custom methods for use in EHRs, third party applications, and ICA’s applications. CareAlign unites a wide range of information supporting analytics associated with population health management, transitions of care communication, re-admissions reduction, meaningful use requirements and PCMH/ACO operations. Visit www.icainformatics.com, and follow us on Twitter, ICA HITme Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube.

About Clinithink

Founded in 2009, with operations in the US and UK, Clinithink is the healthcare industry’s preferred clinical natural language processing (CNLP) provider.  Clinithink’s CLiX technology enables healthcare providers and solution vendors to extract knowledge from the clinical data trapped in the free text of discharge summaries, clinical notes, and other documents. Using patent-pending algorithms and CNLP to add structure to unstructured clinical data, Clinithink’s CLiX technology enables the indexing, mapping and analyzing of clinical narrative to output rich structured data encoded to medical ontologies such as SNOMED CT, ICD-9, ICD-10 and RxNorm.  For more information, visit www.clinithink.com or email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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