VUCA Health Offers Complimentary Access to Medication Therapy Management Information in Recognition of National Pharmacists Month

Posted in Press Releases on Friday, October 14, 2016.

VUCA Health announced today that it has created a Medication Therapy Management (MTM) video that will be available at no cost to pharmacists and health plans through the month of October - National Pharmacists' Month. The video, which can be accessed by visiting, highlights the importance of scheduling an annual comprehensive medication review for those patients dealing with chronic conditions.

Drug costs, adverse effects, and increasing regimen complexity all pose significant challenges to patients taking medications regularly. Pharmacists and prescription drug plans offer effective MTM services, but often struggle with explaining the need for consistent annual reviews to patients and qualifying members. It is here that the MTM video, which is available in English and Spanish, can have a significant impact by helping pharmacists and health plans educate patients on the importance of an annual medication review.

"There is strong evidence that patients who receive an annual comprehensive medication review experience improved outcomes and often realize greater value from their treatment regimens," said VUCA Health CEO David Medvedeff, PharmD, MBA. "Our MTM video provides pharmacists and health plans alike with a repeatable message that can be used to describe the need for an annual medication checkup."

Adds Kim Russo, PharmD, BCPS, Chief Clinical Officer, VUCA Health, "From my experience, if you asked 10 different pharmacists to explain to a patient what MTM is, you will get 10 different descriptions. VUCA Health's MTM video, which assists with patient messaging, is our contribution to the profession."

VUCA customers will continue to have complimentary access to the information set after National Pharmacists' Month comes to a close.

About VUCA Health

Based in Lake Mary, Fla., VUCA Health ( provides a gateway to patient engagement that serves as an on-demand extension of pharmacists and other healthcare providers. The company's MedsOnCue solution leverages advanced mobile, web and on-demand video and communication technologies to deliver trusted patient information that enhances the medication use process. It offers a convenient and cost-effective way for clients to provide on-demand patient medication information and strengthen customer connections with video briefings, web messaging, reminders and alerts and a host of other customizable services that extend and enhance the patient relationship.

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