Client News Coverage

Cultivating a Culture of Safety

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, May 23, 2017.

A healthy patient who was expected to make a full recovery from a routine surgical procedure is found dead in bed from an unintentional opiod overdose. Another patient developed severe internal hemorrhaging and a near-fatal infection caused by a surgical sponge that was mistakenly left inside the patient’s abdominal cavity. These and other disturbing medical mistakes are also referred to as Never Events — and for an obvious reason — they should never happen. Not only are Never Events harmful to patient-victims, but healthcare givers can also suffer emotional and psychological distress. Medical errors such as these are also bad news for a medical facility’s budget and reputation.

Healthcare Purchasing News »

Building Sustainable PHM Initiatives: 5 Things You Should Expect From An Industry Partner

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, May 23, 2017.

The race is on to effective management of high-risk patient populations. Payers and providers recognize future survival in the fee-for-value world depends on having the right systems in place. Yet, in the rush to implement effective care management infrastructures, many forget to consider the big picture of optimization and sustainability.

Health IT Outcomes »

Attaining a 360 Degree View of the Patient

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, May 11, 2017.

Over the last 10 years, the healthcare industry has experienced a major shift in both the prevalence and importance of information technology. Electronic health records have progressed from bleeding edge, to basic requirement, to competitive differentiator. Claims and authorizations have made the leap from the fax machine to the cloud. Patient engagement has transitioned from printed questionnaires to connected devices and wearables. Care team communication has evolved from paper memoranda to secure mobile communication.

HITECH Answers »

Achieving Higher Quality Care and Patient Safety

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, May 11, 2017.

The field of clinical analytics enables cooperation between patients, providers, and payers. This is sometimes easier said than done. The end goal for healthcare organizations is to improve outcomes and reduce costs. With so many factors in play regarding clinical analytics, Health Management Technology was curious about current issues surrounding the topic. We asked a roundtable of relevant solutions providers to expand on how they achieved a higher quality of care and patient safety, the challenges they are facing in the industry, and what their predictions for the future of clinical analytics are as well as their newest advancements and technologies. Here’s what they had to say.

Health Management Technology »

Why Making the Case for Interoperability Standards is Needed

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, May 11, 2017.

Interoperability. Thinking about the topic is daunting itself but for those on the frontlines of care delivery and for patients, its increasingly becoming necessary as the healthcare industry enters into a more networked era.

Healthcare Dive »

Laying the Foundations for the New Healthcare: A Map of the New, Data-Driven Landscape

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, May 11, 2017.

IT leaders at organizations like Geisinger Health, VITL, and Orlando Health are offering maps for success in laying the foundations for enterprise-wide analytics

Healthcare Informatics »

Insights from HIMSS17: Industry Leaders Share Their Observations and Key Takeaways

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, May 11, 2017.

The HIMSS17 conference officially came to a close Thursday, and, once again, speakers, exhibitors and attendees all gathered, this time in Orlando, to discuss how health IT is enabling healthcare organizations to improve patient care and lower costs.

Healthcare Informatics »

Industry Insights: 5 questions with Vermont Information Technology Leaders CTO Michael Gagnon

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, May 11, 2017.

In 2014, Vermont Information Technology Leaders (VITL), operator of the Vermont Health Information Exchange (VHIE), undertook a successful initiative to improve data exchange with industry stakeholders as well as acquire more complete and accurate patient information for quality measures reporting.

Becker's Hospital Review »

New Tech on Tap at ASHP Midyear Meeting

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, May 11, 2017.

Pharmacy technology can decrease medication errors and improve pharmacy fulfillment, patient prescribing and outcomes, as well as reduce 30-day readmissions, thus helping to lower the cost of health care in the hospital.

Pharmacy Practice News >>

Reference Data Management: The Cornerstone of Reliable Analytics

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, May 11, 2017.

There is a lot of discussion about “clean” data today in healthcare. Recent movements with health IT, interoperability and data exchange hold great promise in fueling the high-level analytics needed to drive performance improvement. Yet, healthcare organizations, by and large, struggle in their quest to deploy infrastructures that support complete, accurate capture of data and ongoing management of those assets.

HITECH Answers »

HIMSS17: How Tech Tools Can Aim For Better Patient Experience

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, February 28, 2017.

Another HIMSS has come and gone and while the industry decompresses in its wake, it’s important to reflect on the themes and takeaways for the conference.

For one, the theme of the conference has changed over the years. “I think four or five years ago, you’d walk around HIMSS and everything would be about population health and population health became the label for how organizations should be thinking about the industry. I think there’s been a subtle or not-so-subtle change…to value-based care,” Mike Boswood, President and CEO, Truven Health Analytics, IBM Watson, told Healthcare Dive during the conference.

Healthcare Dive »

Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs: Overcoming 5 Barriers To High Performance

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, January 30, 2017.

Hospitals and health systems increasingly recognize the importance of antimicrobial stewardship. Concerns over the growth of antibiotic-resistant organisms are prompting unprecedented action on the national and international stage.

Health IT Outcomes »

Advancing Payment Reform with Effective State Health Information Exchange

Posted in Client News Coverage on Wednesday, November 30, 2016.

Throughout the healthcare system, payers are shifting away from payment models that incentivize volume of services to models that incentivize quality, outcomes, and savings. Efforts to transform healthcare through value-based payment reform can be seen in state Medicaid managed care contracts that incentivize outcomes, delivery system reform efforts under Medicaid demonstration projects, State Innovation Model (SIM) efforts that seek to implement reforms across public and commercial markets, and Medicare’s new quality payment program established by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).

HIT Leaders and News »

Antimicrobial Stewardship: Evolving Mandates, Growing Opportunities

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, November 10, 2016.

Antimicrobial stewardship is receiving unprecedented national and international focus. Healthcare organizations that have not implemented impactful, sustainable initiatives to combat drug-resistant infections will soon have to bolster efforts as numerous U.S. regulatory initiatives converge to prioritize improvement.

Health IT Leaders and News »

Why Curing Patient Matching Issues Won’t Be Easy

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, September 30, 2016.

Unless you’re off the grid, your email box is full of newsletters and news stories focused on the patient matching conundrum. Trying to solve our country’s patient identification woes has many highly respected healthcare experts talking about this billion-dollar problem—some even going so far as to put their money where their mouth is.

Health Data Management »