Client News Coverage

Dual Coding: Shifting Focus To Root Operations

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, January 20, 2015.

As more hospitals undertake dual coding in advance of ICD-10, evidence is emerging that suggests clinical documentation may not be the only weak link in the transition. Many are discovering that coders are struggling with the correct selection of the 31 PCS root operations. Dual coding programs are highlighting for many facilities the significant need for advanced PCS training, especially in cardiovascular, muscular skeletal, and obstetrics. A recent pilot undertaken by Amphion revealed more than half of the surgical procedure code errors were attributed to the incorrect selection of the “root operation.

Health IT Outcomes »

Intersection of ICD-10 and Meaningful Use: Clinical Documentation Improvement

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, January 06, 2015.

As hospitals, health systems and payers navigate the new risk-bearing landscape, synergies exist when clinical documentation improvement strategies are expanded to address both meaningful use (MU) SNOMED CT requirements and ICD-10. While the magnitude of the ICD-10 transition itself and the ongoing rumors of additional delays may tempt some organizations to pause in their pursuit of readiness, the bottom line is that advantages to clinical documentation can be realized even before the transition by using SNOMED CT within electronic health records.

Government Health IT »

Transcription Gaps Pose Problems

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, October 21, 2014.

Are health care organizations paying proper attention to the caliber of their transcribed documents?

Although medical record privacy is always a concern, some patients may be surprised by who isn’t looking at their files. Most consumers probably expect that their medical records are reviewed for accuracy, but that’s not always the case.

For the Record »

Readers Write: Digital Patient Engagement Tools to Achieve “Top Box” Medication-Related HCAHPS Scores

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, October 21, 2014.

Improving HCAHPS performance is a never-ending struggle for hospitals, one that has taken on greater urgency as results are linked to CMS’s Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) program. The HCAHPS Survey is the basis of the “Patient Experience of Care Domain” under VPB, which makes up 30 percent of a facility’s total performance score.

A particularly thorny problem has been improving patient communications regarding medication, which is measured based on HCAHPS responses to three questions:

  1. Before giving you any new medicine, how often did hospital staff tell you what the medicine was for?
  2. Before giving you any new medicine, how often did hospital staff describe possible side effects in a way you could understand?
  3. When I left the hospital, I clearly understood the purpose for taking each of my medication

HIStalk »

6 Prescription Mistakes You’re Making

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, October 09, 2014.

It’s hard to imagine a time when there wasn’t a pill—sometimes dozens of different ones—to treat so many health conditions. Today, 70% of Americans take at least one prescription drug and more than half take two, according to the Mayo Clinic.

While the healing powers of modern medicine are pretty awesome, you still need to be cautious when it comes to any drug. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that medication errors cause at least one death every day and injure 1.3 million people annually. »

Data Integrity and HIOs: The Top Five Most Dangerous Practices, and Five Steps to Stop Them

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, September 30, 2014.

The convergence of advanced health information technologies, a greater focus on collaborative care and population health management, and a growing federal focus on initiatives driven by wide-spread information sharing has given rise to the health information exchange organization (HIO). While the benefits of HIOs are numerous and significant (e.g., point of care access to accurate patient information for improved care management and coordination; streamlined clinical workflows; enhanced organizational efficiencies), maintaining data integrity is a particularly thorny challenge.

Advance Healthcare Network »

Optimizing Sepsis Treatment: A National Leader’s Perspective

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, September 25, 2014.

Sometimes referred to as blood poisoning, sepsis is the body’s often-deadly response to infection. As many as 1.6 million Americans are affected by sepsis, and more than 258,000 of them die from it, every year. Yet sepsis remains not only misunderstood by the public—a recent study by Harris Poll on behalf of the Sepsis Alliance in June 2014 found that only 44 percent of Americans had even heard of sepsis—it also remains challenging for physicians and other clinicians to work with. There are a variety of reasons that sepsis remains such a huge, unmanaged problem, in hospitals and emergency departments. But there are those who are working to change the situation. And there are things that IT professionals, especially clinical informaticists, can do, to turn things around.

Healthcare Informatics »

Healthcare DIY: Empowering Consumers to Optimize their Healthcare through Health Information

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, September 08, 2014.

There’s no doubt that consumers of a certain age take comfort in going to the doctor, agreeing with their diagnosis, and following his or her treatment plan to the letter without doubts or hesitation. But this paternalistic approach to healthcare is starting to erode as younger generations of patients are beginning to handle the provision of care as they do any other major purchase.

Journal of AHIMA »

Expert Column: Paperless Medication Education

Posted in Client News Coverage on Wednesday, August 13, 2014.

A number of regulations currently govern retail pharmacy operations to ensure that each facility meets the minimum requirements for safe practice. Included in these are guidelines mandating that patients be provided with information on their prescription medications.

What is not mandated, however, is the format of that information. This gap has led to a common misperception that is negatively impacting pharmacy budgets and patient health literacy: That medication education leaflets must be provided in paper form.

Progressive Grocer »

A number of regulations currently govern retail pharmacy operations to ensure that each facility meets the minimum requirements for safe practice. Included in these are guidelines mandating that patients be provided with information on their prescription medications. - See more at:
A number of regulations currently govern retail pharmacy operations to ensure that each facility meets the minimum requirements for safe practice. Included in these are guidelines mandating that patients be provided with information on their prescription medications. - See more at:
A number of regulations currently govern retail pharmacy operations to ensure that each facility meets the minimum requirements for safe practice. Included in these are guidelines mandating that patients be provided with information on their prescription medications. - See more at:
A number of regulations currently govern retail pharmacy operations to ensure that each facility meets the minimum requirements for safe practice. Included in these are guidelines mandating that patients be provided with information on their prescription medications. - See more at:

The Burgeoning Role Of HIM In Population Health Management

Posted in Client News Coverage on Wednesday, July 30, 2014.

Effective population health management begins at the point of care, where strong governance processes must be established to guide how data is collected, structured, accessed, maintained, and analyzed. Many healthcare organizations continue to struggle with creation of these policies, hampered by the sheer volume of data and the pace at which change is taking place. By Subbu Ravi, COO, Amphion Medical Solutions

Health IT Outcomes »

Enterprise Terminology Management

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, July 17, 2014.

Terminology is core to everything in healthcare - from diagnoses to procedures to outcomes, healthcare IT systems represent clinical concepts in coded terminologies or free text. The lack of a common clinical vocabulary across disparate systems is currently a primary roadblock to the national efforts to increase interoperability, transparency and collaboration within our healthcare system.

Advance Healthcare Network »

Clinical Informatics: Data in Action

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, July 17, 2014.

If there is one emerging pattern within the clinical informatics field, it is the quest to make data "actionable" for users. With all the technology infrastructure development over the past decade to facilitate electronic health record installation in healthcare facilities, providers are finding that the data generated often can't be used in a timely and constructive manner.

Healthcare IT News »

Achieving Healthcare’s Triple Aim with Remote Monitoring

Posted in Client News Coverage on Wednesday, June 04, 2014.

Enhancing care experience and outcomes, improving population health and reducing costs is healthcare’s “Triple Aim,” a concept introduced by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to help navigate a shift in focus from “health care” to “health optimization.” When it comes to achieving these laudable objectives, anecdotal experiences and data emerging from several pilot programs led by senior living providers and Medicare managed care organizations suggest that remote monitoring technology has a crucial role to play.

Senior Housing News »

The Quest for Alert Balance at the Point of Care

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, June 02, 2014.

National regulatory initiatives such as Meaningful Use, Value-based Purchasing and the accountable care movement are working in tandem to raise the bar on adoption and integration of evidenced-based practices across all clinical care settings. Higher performance expectations mean that healthcare organizations must deploy strategies to standardize care delivery by providing more robust clinical decision support (CDS) at the point of care.

Government Health IT »

The Right Prescription for Effective Population Health Management, Improved Outcomes

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, May 19, 2014.

As the healthcare industry unwraps the next phase of population health management (PHM), providers are increasingly embracing its promise to drive success with healthcare’s triple aim of improving population health, enhancing patient experiences and reducing costs. It’s a 180-degree shift in thinking for many providers who have been conditioned to long-standing fee-for-service models, one that will require a coordinated care effort and an advanced technological infrastructure to support decision-making based on the latest industry evidence.

Electronic Health Reporter »